Friday, November 23, 2012


Yeah, by the way, I completely spaced out on the fact that I ever had this blog... Although I'm much less enthusiastic about "voting with your dollars" these days, I'll try to remember this is here more often... if you want my opinion of something: comment or get a hold of me somehow and say so... You got questions? I got... the right questions to point you in a direction.
Happy Dethday, Everybody! It's a lovely black Friday from where I sit, ten miles from the nearest cash register, without a credit card in my pocket. We recognize that our positions are, as all things are, separate but equal, in some relative sense. If my position sounds either idyllic or hellish, these are interpretations of your own design. By continuing to read on, you agree to shut off your opinions for the duration of my rant, then re-read it once more before considering a rebuttal. Unconscious responses will duly be not consciously replied to, and possibly deleted, if it proposes a self-defeating, negative line of thought.

Alright, now that I have your consent, I would like to talk openly about what today(11/23/2012, or Blue Planetary Storm, if you prefer galactic notation to gregorian calends... I mean, calendars) represents; to society, to the cosmos, and to Us as humans inhabiting this planet(which does not recognize itself in the colors of our maps).

Society tells us thousands of different stories, conflicting ceaselessly with one another, even within the sub-section of U.S.American society(as much as a united empire of its size can ever hope to stand alone; she does appear to be unique in her so-called patriots, who are the only countrymen among two continents of varying cultures that openly claim their identity as simply "American"... ambivalent toward the fact it derives from an Italian map maker who never even crossed the pond.).

The corporations who have rooted themselves as hallmarks of American-ism will stop at nothing to imbue our imaginations with market solutions to their bottom-line, the corporate charter; take your money. Without conscience or hesitation, they will present themselves as a sign to divert you from noticing synchronicity wherever your feet stand(excepting those who opt to Claim their Own space, free from the influence of others, and even then, they must re-claim it daily). To label it as evil intention is to be ignorant of their ignorance. These corporate people are spun from judicial witchery, made flesh by the green cotton of dollars, and given power by the consent of defeat.
Suppose one person has kids who want to go to college, and their egos most powerful intention is instinctively to shelter his or her own offspring. There's a panicked sense of emergency which negates taking time for one's self to find an easier solution... which may quite possibly mean giving up a proportion of material accumulation for the benefit of community ties that would provide security much more personal and reliable than throwing dollars to a corporate demon who promises with a forked tongue to pay up on your life's insurance, only after you'r dead, and you'll just have to hope the people living around you don't have reason to harm your daughters when you're gone...

What does this have to do with society, OR black Friday? Everything.

The hopes of a child going to college are a common best intention, which motivates countless people to roll out of bed and dredge through their blessed lives, every single day... It's the purest of miseries to martyr one's own best wishes for the sake of doing what's viewed as normal in a society of people who never question authorities who tear families apart(also, for the sake of their own kids... or booze... or whatever they "need" cash money to obtain a meaningful sense of self satisfaction, day to day).

Have I made my point? Do you see how good intentions may lead to vulgar actions? Can you put yourself in the shoes of a mama who's presented with no options but to deny insurance claims, breaking peoples' hearts and lives, 40 hours a week for what feels like eternity, so their baby can have clothes?

The people making us miserable aren't some boogeymen intent on damning us all... but they ARE damning us all, as they feel forced to have damned themselves and haven't the foggiest notion of how to do otherwise.

This means You. AND Me. along with anyone at all who has ever been guilty of blaming any other person for any particular thing at all. Process that... Take a breath... Moving on...

We all agree to certain things, but they're always and forever just-so, a little too frivolous to bother with our attention.
We all agree that we need toilet paper and toothbrushes... but how many of us have even bothered to read where ours come from?
How many of life's necessities do we take so for granted that we accept our own ignorance of the process of making, and distributing them to us?
How many kids these days do you see, putting crayon to paper, standing in industrial hemp fields, or pushing the envelope of magnetic levitation railway technology?
How many kids these days do you see, putting crayon to paper, killing badguys or immersing themselves in more material wealth than they could ever enjoy without having servants to care for their property?
When was the last time you looked at a kid and envisioned what they might be doing with their days, ten years from now?

"What is wrong with the world?" is a very simple question. We are. Not one breathing human is exempt, not even the heavily victimized children of war-torn and coldly sanctioned borders. We ALL share a responsibility proportionate to the number of other humans we interact with, each day. If you have lived a day, and did not witness anyone being harmed in body or spirit, then you weren't called upon to make the world a better place that day... but if you DO witness and turn a blind eye, you're moving forward with regret you choose not to handle.

There are those who see Utopia as a worthless fantasy... and they are broken souls, indeed. 
Utopia, for you and me, is ever-present, plain to see.
We need only forget regretting, and never fear for future fretting.
Procrastination, while it lasts, is never too late.
A plan, worthwhile, is worth infinite space and time to reflect upon, 
but worthless as sin when executed in a frenzy...
Better yet to opt we should preset Our collective Best Intent,
Dedicated in Our hearts, according to irrefutable laws of existence.
The path to heaven, all along, was lit for those with eyes to read the signs.

So... who is society?
Is it the business person?
Is it the proletariat?
Is it the obnoxious child you're pushing to medicate?

Who calls the shots for "society", and to keep it simple, just USAmerican society?
Is it the people?(A majority of them don't seem to think so)
Is it the politicians?(Plenty of people think so)
Is it the corporations through AIPAC?(most "liberals" seem to think so)
What does it mean to be "liberal"?
"Liberal" with what?
What are you so entitled to, as to be charged with the blessing of doling it out?
What's the least bit "conservative" about ceaselessly pissing away vast about of money and manpower into blowing the world, beyond the borders of USA or her lackeys, to smithereens?
Isn't conservation what those hippies talks about; conserving the environment... which, like it or not, is the source of everybody's resources?
Why do conservatives hate hippies?
Don't hippies just want to get along with everybody?
Should we also hate anyone else who waxes intellectual and stumbles onto answers that can make everybody's life more enjoyable?(somebody would seemingly appreciate you for thinking so)

And why do people all across this land, built on "manifest destiny"(aka: the American crusades; USAmerica's jihad against the native people, dwarfing the scale of a later event, the holocaust which would paint this brute in the light of a hero), tell one another so often, and without thought or regret, that they HATE one another, or they DAMN a person or thing for their mere existence?
Why do people become pensive and uncomfortable whenever a person says "I love you" without being either directly related, or in sexual relations?
How unbalanced are we?
How balanced are you?
How balanced am I?
How ready am I to receive love?
How prepared am I to cast bitterness into a world which has no evident lack thereof?
Why does it feel so good to help a person who's gracious, who will never be able to pay me back?
Why does it feel so awful to sell my time at an hourly rate, to someone who demonstrates no respect toward me?
What makes me happy, anyway?
What good is it to bother with anything if I can't think ahead far enough to predict some sort of an outcome, and decide whether or not my own life is best being served where I am?
Is there a meaningful purpose to my life?(YES.)
Is that purpose my own?
Does my job add strength to MY community?
Does my job only exist by draining resources from the global community?
Does my job provide me with a sense of accomplishment, AND a standard of living I feel is proportionate to the effort it requires?
What am I going to DO about it?
End it?
...What if I told everyone to shut their flapping gums and took the time to do what really fulfills my sense of purpose?
Could I do that?
Could I even find 20 minutes a day to practice meditation, for my own mental stability?

I'm feeling led to wrap this up, somehow... and I'd like to make it clear that I haven't diverged from the subject, or turned away from the problem. I have cut through and peeled several layers off at once... You are blessed and welcome to and for having read my words this day. Thank you for not spending these last few moments buying the discount commodities being assembled, through coercion, by your impoverished brothers and sisters in other parts of the world... And remove yourself from the mentality that "We have it better than anywhere else." As USAmericans, we only have a veneer. The thin paint will chip away to reveal the termite-riddled particle board soon enough. All this material excess is not a blessing, but a cursed contract to repay the misery from whence it has been manufactured.

If you consider yourself blessed,
by God,
DO NOT relate your individuality to the stars and stripes being sewn together half a world away...
Rather, use the signs of the stars in heaven, above.
Learn something about YOUR signs.
Learn how to read instead of demanding someone else tell your story for you.
You are not limited by the title of an Italian map-maker.
Not even your governing institutions, your self-enthroned corporate overlords, are foolish enough to feel deep seated pride in a title which connects them to you... They're sovereigns and zionists. They have citizenship wherever money is accepted. And they most certainly will never bother to learn your name, let alone consider where your best interest, or any interests outside of finance, will ever lie.

Monday, January 17, 2011

A Fresh Start.

While the economy continues to quiver in anticipation of the alleged growth in store, I have decided to try my unemployed hand(s) at the sponsored blogging game.

In following posts, I hope to promote products and services which attempt to make themselves a boon to the new age.

I promise you, dear reader, I WILL NOT endorse a brand without integrity. We are living in a time where money is stretched much thinner than paper. I will not have you shelling out dollars for anything which the world at large, or you personally, do not require. This means: NO exploitation of third-world labor or minerals, NO externalized damage to the land/air/water, NO toxic chemicals and NO products designed intentionally to be wastefully disposable.

Will this result in fewer offers? Quite possibly, yes. It may. However, I stand to challenge the market. I believe in my heart that we can avert tragedy and be rid of unethical businesses by spending wisely and supporting the vanguard companies who are taking strides to offer sustainability in their brands. I enjoy earning money as much as the next chap, but my soul is not for sale.